Space Time explores the outer reaches of space, the craziness of astrophysics, the possibilities of sci-fi, and anything else you can think of beyond Planet Earth with astrophysicist host: Matthew O’Dowd.
What If The Universe DID NOT Start With The Big Bang?
The NEW PHYSICS of Black Hole Star Capture | Extreme Tidal Disruption Events
What If Gravity Isn’t Quantum? New Experiments Explore
Is Gravity RANDOM Not Quantum?
Can We Create New Elements Beyond the Periodic Table?
Do Black Holes Have to Be Black?
Was Penrose Right? NEW EVIDENCE For Quantum Effects In The Brain
How To Detect Faster Than Light Travel
Can a Particle Be Neither Matter Nor Force?
Will The Sun’s Magnetic Field Flip This Year?
Is It IMPOSSIBLE To Cross The Event Horizon? | Black Hole Firewall Paradox
How Supernovas Act as Universe’s Largest Particle Accelerators